Frequently Asked Questions

Scavenger Hunt Questions and Answers

At present all Scavenger Hunts require the use of a smartphone with a data plan. We are looking at developing offline, paper-based, simplified versions of Scavenger Hunts in the near future.

Scavenger Hunts are designed for people of all ages. While a Scavenger Hunt registrant must be 19 years of age, we think anyone will enjoy our hunts. They’re even more fun with friends or family.

Chill and Thrill is open all year. Scavenger Hunts are available all year as well. In some cases you’ll need to use your best judgement about participating in a particular Scavenger Hunt. Some hunts might require a longer or steeper walk/hike than you’re ready for, the weather might not be great, or perhaps you’d be better off going with a friend rather than going out alone. Other factors such as icy trails, falling space debris, something really great on tv, or your boss figuring out you’re not really at home “working” may convince you to not participate in a Scavenger Hunt.

Yes, you need a smartphone with a data plan to participate in our online Scavenger Hunts. We’ve developed the Scavenger Hunts to require as little data as possible (eg there’s no videos, no huge files to download when you’re doing the hunt).

We’re developing multiple Scavenger Hunts throughout 2021 and will aim to release new Scavenger Hunts and virtual experiences each month. If you’ve got an idea for a Scavenger Hunt or a local virtual experience let us know, we’d love to hear from you.

Many locations require special permission or permits so until we get approval we can’t create some hunts that we’d love to make.

Chill and Thrill is being developed by local Chilliwack folks at Stir, Hike Chilliwack and a team of awesome volunteers.  Read more about the history of Chill and Thrill.

Want to help with Scavenger Hunts? Contact us, we look forward to hearing your ideas.

Yes, if you’ve got a large group contact us and we can set you up.

Our registration page outlines options that are suitable for individuals and families.

We might offer a family package in the future but for now we want to keep options as simple as possible.

Please submit your questions and comments to us via the contact form.

The Ten Trail Challenge will be happening between June 19th and August 13th, 2021 with registration opening on June 5th 2021.