Explorer Series Events

Registration is open until September 1.

We now offer flexible start dates between today and September 1, 2024, allowing participants to begin their 10-week Challenge the day they register. Select your Challenge below to learn more and to register today.  

Continental Divide Bikepacking - Cycle 5 to Survive Challenge

The Great Divide / Continental Divide Challenge

Starts: July 1
Activities: Walk, Hike, Run, or Cycle
dogs trails and coffee walking hiking virtual challenge bc canada

Dogs, Trails, and Coffee Challenge (Fraser Valley East)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
dogs trails and coffee challenge fraser valley west - langley surrey abbotsford maple ridge

Dogs, Trails, and Coffee Challenge (Fraser Valley West)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
Vancouver dogs, trails and coffee challenge - walking hiking trail running event

Dogs, Trails, and Coffee Challenge (Vancouver Region)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
coffee shops and walking hiking challenges

Coffee Walks Challenge (Chilliwack)

Starts: Today
Activities: Drinking Coffee & Walking
coffee shops and walking hiking challenges

Coffee Walks Challenge (Abbotsford)

Starts: Today
Activities: Drinking Coffee & Walking

10 Trail Challenge – Trails and Coffee – Part 2 (Fraser Valley East)

Starts: September 1
Activities: Hiking or Running
fraser valley east chilliwack hiking trails coffee challenge

10 Trail Challenge – Trails and Coffee – Part 1 (Fraser Valley East)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
Explorer Series Events - men and women hiking and exploring outdoors

10 Trail Challenge – Trails and Coffee (Fraser Valley West)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
10 Trail Challenge Canada

The 10 Grind Challenge – Part Two (Vancouver and Fraser Valley)

Starts: September 1
Activities: Hiking or Running
10 Grind Challenge - Explorer Series

The 10 Grind Challenge – Part One (Chilliwack)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running
Vancouver BC 10 Trail Challenge - hiking walking trail running virtual challenge

10 Trail Challenge – Trails and Coffee (Vancouver Region)

Starts: Today
Activities: Hiking or Running