Top 9 Hiking Trails in Chilliwack For Kids (Ages 6 and 12)

chilliwack hikes for kids and families

Chilliwack has so many great family-friendly hiking trails to choose from. Options range from nice, flat, family-friendly strolls to full-on wilderness adventures. Join our waiting list for a family-friendly scavenger hunt on easy Chilliwack trails today for free. Or get virtually guided through Chilliwack’s best trails in a family-friendly 10 Trail Challenge

We polled members of the Chilliwack Hiking Club Facebook Group in April 2019 and below is the list of their top nine recommended kid-friendly (ages 6-12) hikes in Chilliwack.

If you’ve got a few hours and need something to do with the kids, check out some of these great family-friendly hikes around Chilliwack.

  1. Lindeman Lake
  2. Teapot Hill
  3. Community Forest Trail
  4. Great Blue Heron Reserve
  5. Cheam Wetlands
  6. Mt Thom
  7. Bridal Falls
  8. Vedder Rotary Trail
  9. Seven Sisters
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